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expert answers to common questions about our services

Laser Hair Removal FAQ

Laser hair removal uses concentrated light beams to target and destroy hair follicles, reducing hair growth over time.

While it significantly reduces hair growth, it isn’t entirely permanent. Some hair may eventually regrow, but it’s usually finer and lighter.

The sensation varies, often described as a rubber band snap against the skin. Some areas may feel more sensitive, but most treatments are tolerable.

Yes, our laser can treat all skin types and can even work on lighter hair, making it effective for a wide range of individuals.

Nearly any area with unwanted hair can be treated, including the face, legs, arms, underarms, bikini line, and back.

The duration depends on the area being treated. Small areas like the upper lip take just a few minutes, while larger areas like the legs can take up to an hour.

Temporary side effects include redness, swelling, and mild discomfort. Rarely, some may experience blistering, scarring, or changes in skin pigmentation.

Yes, shaving is recommended between sessions, but avoid waxing, plucking, or threading as they remove the hair follicle targeted by the laser.

Costs vary depending on the area treated, the number of sessions needed, and the location. Packages or memberships may offer discounts.

Yes, when performed by trained professionals using appropriate equipment, laser hair removal is generally safe.

Yes, our laser can treat all skin types and can even work on lighter hair, making it effective for a wide range of individuals.

Avoid sun exposure, hot showers, and activities that cause sweating for 24-48 hours. Apply soothing creams if necessary.

It’s generally recommended to avoid laser hair removal during pregnancy due to the lack of research on its safety for pregnant women.

It’s best to wait at least 24 hours before applying makeup to treated areas to avoid irritation.

Lasers can’t be used directly over tattoos as they can cause fading and skin damage. Areas with tattoos should be avoided.

No, in fact, laser hair removal can help reduce and prevent ingrown hairs by reducing overall hair growth.

While not its primary purpose, laser hair removal may sometimes help with hyperpigmentation caused by shaving or ingrown hairs. However, specific treatments are better suited for addressing pigmentation concerns.

Laser Tattoo Removal FAQ

Common side effects include redness, swelling, blistering, and temporary changes in skin texture. Rarely, scarring or permanent discoloration can occur.

Yes, once the skin has fully healed, you can get a new tattoo over the area. It’s recommended to wait at least several months after the final removal session.

No, darker colors like black and blue are generally easier to remove, while lighter colors like yellow, green, and purple can be more challenging.

Yes, laser tattoo removal can target specific areas of a tattoo if you only want to remove or lighten certain parts.

Avoid sun exposure and tanning, keep the area clean, and follow any specific instructions provided by your technician.

The area may be red, swollen, and slightly blistered for a few days. It’s important to keep the area clean and follow aftercare instructions to avoid infection.

Typically, 6 to 8 weeks are recommended between sessions to allow the skin to heal and the body to remove the broken-down ink.

Costs vary depending on the size and complexity of the tattoo. Prices are typically charged per session.

Some individuals may experience temporary or permanent changes in skin color, especially if they have darker skin tones or don’t follow aftercare instructions.

Yes, with the right laser and technique, tattoo removal can be performed on all skin types, though darker skin may require special care.

Most body areas can be treated, but some areas, like the eyelids or near-sensitive regions, may require extra caution.

Contact your provider immediately if you notice signs of infection, such as increased redness, swelling, pain, or pus. Follow their advice on how to treat it.

Hair growth might be temporarily affected, but it usually returns to normal after the skin heals.

It’s important to avoid tanning before and after sessions as tanned skin increases the risk of burns and pigmentation changes.

Topical creams are generally ineffective at removing tattoos and may cause skin irritation or damage. Laser removal is the most effective method.

Other options include surgical removal or dermabrasion, but these methods are more invasive and can lead to scarring.

Photo Rejuvenation/IPL FAQ

IPL is usually well-tolerated, with most people describing the sensation as a mild snap or sting. Cooling gels or devices are often used to increase comfort.

Avoid sun exposure and tanning, and stop using retinoids or other exfoliating products a few days before treatment. Follow any additional instructions from your provider.

IPL is most effective on lighter skin tones. IPL is intended to remove dark spots/hyperpigmentation/sun damage, broken capillaries, melasma, and rosacea. IPL is only suited for lighter skin tones (FST I – FST III). Darker skin tones cannot use this treatment as it would burn the skin.

Microneedling FAQ

Avoid sun exposure, blood thinners (with doctor’s approval), and facial treatments four weeks before your microneedling session.

Keep your skin clean and moisturized, use SPF 50+ sunscreen, avoid makeup, exercise, and harsh products for 7-10 days, and consider an antibiotic cream for soothing.

Yes, it effectively reduces acne scars and large pores by promoting collagen and repairing skin texture.

Common side effects are temporary redness and swelling. Ensure proper aftercare to minimize risks and consult a trained professional.

Sessions last 30-60 minutes. A numbing cream is applied, and the procedure involves gentle needling, followed by redness that fades in a few days.

Teeth Whitening FAQ

Common side effects include temporary tooth sensitivity and minor gum irritation, which typically resolve within a few days. Adhering to post-treatment care instructions can minimize these effects. The procedure is generally safe, but it’s important to ensure the treatment is conducted by a qualified professional.

Results can vary based on dietary habits and oral hygiene practices. Typically, the effects of teeth whitening can last from several months to a year. To maintain results longer, avoid staining foods and beverages and practice good oral hygiene.

Teeth whitening does not alter the color of veneers, crowns, or bonding, which means any existing dental work will remain the same shade as before treatment. It’s important to consider this if the natural teeth around these restorations are lightened, as it may result in color discrepancies.

For 24 to 48 hours after treatment, avoid foods and drinks that can stain a white T-shirt, such as coffee, tea, cola, red wine, and dark-colored sauces. Opt for light-colored or clear foods and beverages to ensure the best long-term results.

How often can I safely undergo teeth whitening treatments?
Teeth whitening treatments are typically recommended every six months to a year. Overdoing whitening can lead to enamel damage and increased sensitivity, so it’s best to consult with your dental care provider to determine the appropriate frequency for your situation.

Teeth whitening treatments are typically recommended every six months to a year. Overdoing whitening can lead to enamel damage and increased sensitivity, so it’s best to consult with your dental care provider to determine the appropriate frequency for your situation.

Skincare & Facials FAQ

Ideal for acne-prone skin, this facial targets inflammation and blemishes with specialized treatments for clearer skin.

The Glow Up Facial uses brightening and hydrating ingredients like Vitamin C and Honey to enhance radiance and smoothness.

This facial uses antioxidants like Green Tea to revitalize skin, improving elasticity and brightness for a youthful glow.

Temporary redness or irritation can occur. Follow post-care instructions and use soothing products to minimize effects.

Facials are recommended every four to six weeks for ongoing skin health and rejuvenation.

Yes, combining treatments can address multiple concerns. Consult your aesthetician for a customized plan.

Avoid if you’ve had recent sun exposure, or infections, or are on certain medications. Share your medical history with your esthetician.

Avoid sun exposure a week before and after facials to reduce sensitivity and protect skin health.

Choose gentle facials and inform your esthetician of sensitivities to customize the treatment.

Inform your esthetician of any known allergies to avoid specific ingredients during treatment.

Facials enhance product absorption by exfoliating dead skin, optimizing your skincare routine’s effectiveness.

It removes damaged top layers and stimulates collagen, improving sun spots and uneven skin tone.

It’s gentle and non-irritating, removing dead skin and peach fuzz without aggravating redness.

Schedule a consultation and we can recommend treatments based on your specific skin needs and goals.


Avoid sun exposure and stop using Retin-A or other acids a week before the treatment to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Post-treatment involves avoiding sun exposure, staying hydrated, and using products provided in the peel kit to aid recovery.

Common side effects include redness, peeling, and sensitivity; these can be managed with proper care and by following post-treatment instructions.

Results typically appear within a week as the skin heals and reveals a clearer, smoother surface.

Yes, they can be combined with other treatments, but consult your practitioner to ensure proper scheduling and compatibility.

Schedule a consult with one of our skincare experts who can assess your skin type and concerns to recommend the most suitable peel.

Avoid sun exposure for a week before and after the peel; always use SPF 50+ to protect your skin.

Yes, VI Peels are effective on the hands, décolletage, and back, addressing similar concerns as on the face.

Contraindications include recent sun exposure, certain medications (e.g., Accutane), and allergies to ingredients like salicylic acid.